Defensive Shorthand Prayers - All Powerful Prayers

Defensive Shorthand Prayers

Clean - I loose angels to clean and seal every satanic, witchcraft mark, trap, and portal here with the blood of Jesus.
Cut - I loose angels to cut all lines of communication in the evil spirit realm here, to cut all lines of reinforcements, and to block all traveling routes of the enemy in through, and around this property.
Seal - Lord, please fill everyone living entity in my environment with the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the spirit. Put the armor of God on them and cover them in the Blood of Jesus. I pray that every access point of the enemy in these people will be sealed in Jesus' name. I pray that the Holy Spirit will take total control over all mind, will, emotions, thoughts, words, and actions.



Curse Break - I break every hex, vex, curse, spell, incantation, chant, hoodoo, voodoo, demonic or satanic attack by the shed blood of Jesus Christ and I return it to the senders, seven times seventy fold and bind it to them with the Blood of Jesus.
Silver Cord - I loose angels to cut every ungodly silver cord of astral projecting spirits, and I loose angels to block them from ever returning to their hosts.
Soul tie - I loose angels to cut all ungodly soul ties being formed between me, those about me, and the enemy.
Air - I loose angels to cover the air with the blood of Jesus.
All - I loose angels to cover all objects and surfaces with the blood of Jesus.
Hedge - I loose angels to hedge the way with thorns of all attacking you (human and demonic), important defensive prayer.
Blind, deaf, dumb, confusion - I loose spirits of blindness, deafness, and dumbness on the enemy, loose angels to put bags on the heads of the demonic spirits.
Disrupt - I loose angels to disrupt every meeting being held of those planning against you (human and demonic).
Spring every trap - I loose angels to go out and spring every trap the witches, warlocks, occultists, satanists, demons, and Satan have planned for me and my family today.
Fear of the Lord - I loose the spirit of the fear of the Lord on everyone attacking.
Amplify - Sing to the Lord, and loose angels to amplify the singing in the ears of all human and demonic forces.
Chip - I loose angels to remove any chip or implant that has been put in my body that shouldn't be there.
Demonic food/Poison - I loose angels to turn everything the enemy has planned for evil here to good, I don't know what it is, but you do Lord, and I trust you.



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Offensive Shorthand Prayers (Shorthand - Prayer)
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Blessing and Healing Shorthand Prayers






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