Prayer for World Peace #1
We all need a little peace and quiet in this hectic world so that we can better focus on the things that are important. We want peace among the nations so that we don’t have to go to war with each other. There must be more unity among our political leaders, who must stand down and stop starting wars. There must be an end to the bickering and fighting that goes on within nations. We need peace in our communities so that we can work together to solve our problems.
There will always be conflicts in every country, but let us pray and hope that we can find a way to live together in harmony instead of going to war. The Lord is able to give us peace, if only we humble ourselves and seek His will.
Here’s a prayer for world peace, unity and harmony.
Magnificent God,
Heaven declares Your glory and they show the work of Your hands.
All the earth and all that is on it comes from You.
I come before You today and thank You for this earth that You have given us.
I am eternally grateful for this planet that we call home.
But as You can see things are not going well.
There are too much hatred and conflict and unhappiness in this world.
I ask You to extend Your hands and spread love and peace in this world.
Peace among the peoples, peace in every nation and peace in every home.
May Your divine love spread like wildfire through civilization.
I now place our entire world in Your hands. Your will be done. Amen.
Psalm 23 Prayer Against Anxiety
Prayer for World Peace #2