Novena To Saint Jude # 5 (Patron of Desperate Causes) - All Powerful Prayers

Novena To Saint Jude # 5 (Patron of Desperate Causes)

[Say the following for 9 consecutive days.]

May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus
be adorned and loved, in all tabernacles, until the end of time.




May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus
be praised and glorified now and forever.


Saint Jude, pray for us
and hear our prayers.


Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Blessed be Saint Jude Thaddeus.
In all the world and for all eternity.

Pray one Our Father...

Pray one Hail Mary...



Previous Prayer:
Novena To Saint Jude # 4(Patron of Desperate Causes)
Next Prayer:
Novena To Saint Jude # 6(Patron of Desperate Causes)






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