Marian Prayer Of Saint Germanus # 1 (A.D. 576) (Bishop of Auxerre) - All Powerful Prayers

Marian Prayer Of Saint Germanus # 1 (A.D. 576) (Bishop of Auxerre)

Hail Mary, full of grace,
more holy than the Saints,
more elevated than the heavens,
more glorious than the Angels,
and more venerable than every creature.

Hail heavenly paradise,
all fragrant and a lily
that gives off the sweetest scent,
a perfumed rose that opens up for the health of mortals.

Hail immaculate temple of the Lord,
constructed in a holy fashion,
ornament of Divine magnificence,
open to everyone,
and oasis of mystical delicacies.



Hail mountain of shade,
grazing ground for the holy Lamb
who takes upon himself
the miseries and sins of all.

Hail sacred throne of God,
blessed dwelling,
sublime ornaments,
precious jewel,
and splendidferous heavens.

Hail urn of purest gold,
who contained the manna Christ,
the gentle sweetness of our souls.

Hail most pure Virgin Mother,
worthy of praise and veneration,
fount of gushing waters,
treasure of innocence,
and splendor of sanctity.

O Mary, lead us to the port of peace and salvation,
to the glory of Christ
who lives in eternity
with the Father and with the Holy Spirit.



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Prayer To Saint Germaine
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Marian Prayer Of Saint Germanus # 7(A.D. 576) (Bishop of Auxerre)






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