Prayer for the Wisdom to Avoid Temptation - All Powerful Prayers

Prayer for the Wisdom to Avoid Temptation

"If this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment." 2 Peter 2:9

"The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful." Matthew 13:22


Temptation is a challenge that each person faces throughout their lives. Understanding the nature of temptation, its dangers, and how to resist it can strengthen our resolve and deepen our faith.





Temptation is the enticement to engage in sin, while sin is the actual act of disobeying God's will. It's important to remember that God does not tempt us, but we are tempted by our own sinful desires and worldly passions.

Here is a powerful prayer for wisdom to avoid temptation.



Father God, You freely give wisdom to those who come to You. When faced with temptation, I am often confused and foolish, and through my immaturity, I make the situation worse. Give me the wisdom to avoid compromising situations. You tell me to watch and pray so that I will not fall into temptation. I need You to open my eyes so I both watch and then actually see what may be hidden. Give me clarity of thought so I recognize sinful dangers in time to escape them. Help me glorify Your Son in everything I do in my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.





Previous Prayer:
Prayer for Wisdomto Leave Situations of Temptation
Next Prayer:
Prayer for Freedom from Temptationand to Live by Grace






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