Prayer Of Thanksgiving After Confession
Eternal Father!
I thank Thee,
I bless Thee,
for Thy goodness and mercy.
Thou hast had compassion on me,
although in my folly I had wandered far away from Thee
and offended Thee most grievously.
With fatherly love Thou hast received me anew
after so many relapses into sin
and forgiven me my offences
through the holy sacrament of penance.
Blessed forever, O my God,
be Thy loving-kindness,
Thy infinite mercy!
Never again will I grieve Thee by ingratitude,
by disobedience to Thy holy will.
All that I am,
all that I have,
all that I do
shall be consecrated
to Thy service and Thy glory.
Previous Prayer:
Prayer During The Sacrament Of Confession
Next Prayer:
Prayer For Confidence In God(By Thomas Merton)