I Know that Jesus Looks Steadily at Me and Loves Me - All Powerful Prayers

I Know that Jesus Looks Steadily at Me and Loves Me

When I gaze at the heavens, Father,    Ps 8
which your fingers have formed,
I see the moon that you have set there
and the stars that you call by name    Ps 147:4
- yet my own name is written on the palm of your hands.    Is 49:16
I realise how small we are    Ps 8
in the magnificence of your creation, yet you treasure each of us
above all that you have made:
making us only a little less than yourself, crowning us with so many good things.



In our world that you love so much, Father,    Jn 3:16
I see the beauty of the flowers of the field    Lk 12:27
and of the birds of the air, and I know that each of us
is worth more than hundreds of sparrows.    Lk 12:7
Help me to appreciate, Father,
that you love all that you have made,    Wis 11:24
and enable me to experience deep within
that I am precious to you    Is 43:1
and am loved for who I am.
Show me how to proclaim in my life every day
that each of us is your work of art    Eph 2:10
and is made magnificently.    Ps 139:14

May Jesus open my eyes, Father,    Lk 24:31; Jn 9:32
that I may see
that he looks steadily at me and loves me.    Mk 10:17-22
He kisses me tenderly    Lk 15:20
and calls me his friend.    Jn 15:15

Let me experience deep within
that you do heal the broken-hearted    Ps 147:3
and you bind up all our wounds.
Then, Father, when life is difficult and problems crowd in,
lead me to discover
that there is no pit so deep
that your love is not deeper still.
I rejoice
that nothing can ever separate me from your love.    Rom 8:39

Nicholas Hutchinson, FSC



Previous Prayer:
Prayer ofThe Offering of Myself
Next Prayer:
Rejoicing, Father, That you forgive Us Our Wrongs






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