Prayer to Bless People Who Wrong You - All Powerful Prayers

Prayer to Bless People Who Wrong You

"Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not." – Romans 12:14


It's easy to be good to people who are good to us. But what about when a coworker does things to keep you from a promotion, or a friend betrays you, or a relative isn't honest with you in a business deal, or somebody says something about you that isn't true? It's easy to get bitter, hold a grudge, talk bad about them, and think about how you can get even with them.

When we experience abuse from others, our natural response is to strike back. Our inborn sense of justice, coupled with our prideful desire to punish our offenders, prompts us to retaliate, returning hurt for hurt and insult for insult.


But Jesus said, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you" (Luke 6:27–28 NIV). Why would He say that when they don't deserve it? Because you're not blessing them for their sake, but for your sake. Life is too short to go through it with bitterness poisoning your life. If you'll let go of the hurt they inflicted and live out of a place of forgiveness, out of a place of wholeness, you'll not only feel better, but that's what allows the Creator of the universe to go to work and take you higher.

This is what Joseph did. His brothers sold him into slavery that led to thirteen years of immeasurable suffering, heartache and pain. Yet after Joseph was made second in command of all of Egypt, and when those same brothers came before him looking for food, he didn't say, "Thank You, Lord, for payback time!" The reason God could promote Joseph to that level is because He could trust Joseph to handle the power correctly and be good to people who had not been good to him. Instead of paying them back, Genesis 45 says that Joseph wept, embraced and kissed them, and invited them into the palace. He gave them food and land and took care of his entire family.





Give people the grace to change. Don't judge their whole life on one season, one mistake. The mercy you show others is the mercy God's going to show you. If you're bitter and angry, you'll get stuck. I'm not saying you have to befriend them and allow them all access, but you need to get to the point where you let go of the offense and treat them with respect; you're good to them, you're kind. Be a Joseph. Let God pay back the people who hurt you. You're not the judge and jury. Leave it in God's hands.



Lord, I want to forgive those who have done so much wrong by speaking lies and nonsense about me. I don’t understand why they have spoken those lies, but now people are listening to the garbage they have told about me. Rather than respond in anger and speak a bunch of negative words that won’t help anyone, I choose today to speak words of kindness and blessing over those who have tried to hurt me. Lord, I ask You to bless them, change them, help them, and lead them into a higher way of life. In the meantime, I am asking You to use this hurtful situation to bring about needed changes in me. I pray this in Jesus’ name!



I confess that I don’t speak evil words about anyone—not even against those who seek to hurt me and to do harm to my life. My words are powerful, so I select the words I speak very carefully. I choose to bless and to curse not, and I declare that because I have taken this course of action, the strategies that the enemy is trying to use against me will be frustrated and stopped. I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name! Amen.





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Daughter’s Prayer for a Strained Relationshipwith Her Mother
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Mother’s Prayerfor My Difficult Adolescent Daughter






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