Prayer to Persevere in Sharing the Gospel
One of the few guarantees of life is that it will be hard, there will be difficulties, and things will go wrong. For Christians, there is also the guarantee there will be persecution, hardship, and spiritual warfare on top. Metaphors for life used in the Bible include a race, a storm, and a harsh wind.
One of the traits and spiritual fruits that God gives to humanity to endure the trials and tribulations of this life is perseverance, which is defined by the dictionary as “steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. In theology, it is continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.”
Both definitions apply to the way this word is used in the Bible. The Christian life requires steadiness, purpose, and consistency. The trials, tribulations, and temptations of living in a fallen world require it, but in the end, there is eternity with the living God. Perseverance can be a difficult strength to call upon, which is why people are encouraged to ask the Holy Spirit for it, rather than relying on their own strength.
When times get tough, or something you have been working hard for is not happening as quickly as you think it should, it can be hard to keep pushing forward. Here is a powerful prayer for perseverance.
Holy Father,
Thank you for inviting Your children to be a part of building Your Kingdom, and using us as tools to help show others Your glory.
Lord, I know part of my responsibility is to obey the Great Commission, to go out, and be a part of making disciples of all people. Father, sometimes I get nervous, Sometimes I just don’t do a good job. Often, people seem uninterested or even hostile to hearing the good news about eternal life through Your Son.
I know Your Word says that some will plant, some will water, some will cultivate, and the Spirit is the one who causes the growth and that Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest. It can be difficult to keep sharing the Gospel and evangelizing when it feels like nothing is happening.
It can be difficult to keep sharing the Gospel and evangelizing when it feels like nothing is happening.
Lord, please give me the perseverance to keep sharing, keep planting, keep watering, and keep obeying the Great Commission. Help me to be on fire for the lost, and to see them the way You see them. People need to accept the Gospel, or they are under eternal condemnation.
Lord, please give me the will and the strength to keep sharing it no matter what I experience. Lord, I also ask for perseverance for my brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world who are persecuted for their faith and for sharing the Gospel. Help them feel Your Spirit, and bless them.
In Jesus Name, I pray,
A Prayer to Persevere and Overcome Temptation
Prayer to Persevere in Trusting God