Novena To Saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia - All Powerful Prayers

Novena To Saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia

([Say the following prayer on a daily basis for 7 consecutive days.)

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
You rightfully choose your servant Manuel
to be the Apostle of Your Abandoned tabernacles.
He devoted his entire life to repair these abandonments,
giving you and seeking for you with love,
faithfully and restoratively accompanying You
in the Blessed Sacrament.
Through his fidelity he had served You with his entire life,
and through his ardent zeal he had sought Your greater glory
by Christian Education of the poor children,
training of holy priests
and leading all people to you in the Holy Eucharist.




We humbly and fervently pray,
that if his merits and virtues be pleasing to you,
accept our entreaties
and grant us through his intercession
the grace we are asking wholeheartedly
if it is to be for the greater glory of God,
for the coming of Your Eucharistic Kingdom,
for the honor of your Immaculate Mother,
for the exaltation of your most faithful servant
and for the benefit of our souls.


Say 1 Our Father...

Say 1 Hail Mary...

Say 1 Glory Be...


(Translated from Spanish to English by Mr. Carlo Emil Nieva Boado.)






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Novena To Saint Malachy of Armagh
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Novena To Saint Maltilda






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