Novena To Our Lady Of The Smile - All Powerful Prayers

Novena To Our Lady Of The Smile

Repeat the following Novena prayers every day for 9 consecutive days.

Gentle Mary, My Mother,
I place before you the worries,
hurts and hopes of my heart.
They shrink my soul
and I feel heavy and hopeless.
Darkness closes in around me.
I reach out to you, bright Lady of Hope.
Smile on me.
Smile on my loved ones
and the intentions I place before you.

(Mention your intentions here...)

Your tender smile works miracles and heals,
as you did with Saint Thérèse, the Little Flower.
You are my true Mother.
You show the tender mercy of God.
Smile on me, Blessed Mother,
and all will be well.




O Mary, Mother of Jesus,
and our gentle Mother too,
with a visible and radiant smile
you consoled and cured your beloved child,
Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus.
We ask you now to smile on us,
amid the troubles of our lives.
May your gentle smile bring light and healing
to the darkness and disease of our body, mind and spirit.
Instill us with hope and deepen our faith
so that we forever enjoy
your maternal and enrapturing smile in heaven.


Prayer composed by Mother Adela, sctjm...

Gentle Mother, smile in our hearts and heal us!
Your maternal smile heals because it is
a reflection of your motherly and immaculate love.
Smile with the tender force of your maternal love
and heal our hearts to know love, to receive love,
to experience the fullness of love,
to live in the path of love
and to communicate freely the love we receive.

Smile into the depth of our hearts
and bring healing to our wounds!
Smile into our hearts and heal the brokenness in our humanity.
Smile and make us whole,
with perfect communion of mind, heart, body and soul.

Smile, Mother, and heal us with your love!
Smile toward us and cast out all our fears and anxieties.
Smile, Mother, and heal us
from all that imprisons love in our hearts.
Smile to our minds and heal the memories
that hurt the vision of love.
Smile to our hearts and heal the experiences
that have hardened us and have made us run away from love.
Smile to us with your maternal love;
and knowing that we are loved,
heal us from the fears and hurts
that impede us from generously and freely loving.
Smile, O Mother, and with the radiance
of your maternal countenance,
heal our bodies from the lack of transparency
in communicating the language of love.
Smile, Immaculate Mother,
to our souls and heal us from all that is wounded
in our communion of love with the Blessed Trinity.

Smile, Mother, smile with your love
in the deepest recesses of our hearts and heal us;
so that, thus restored and freed,
we may know the depth, the height,
the width and the length of God’s love;
so that we may live in perfect bonds of love
with other hearts and so that we may ardently witness
to love in the Heart of the Church.

Smile, Blessed Mother, smile at us, smile for us.
One smile from your Maternal Heart will heal our hearts.

Our Lady of the Smile,
pray for us.

Our Lady of Smile,
Pray for us.

Saint Therese of Lisieux,
pray for us.

Our Lady of Smile,
Pray for us.



Previous Prayer:
Novena To Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart
Next Prayer:
Novena To Our Lady Of The Snows






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