Novena To Our Lady Of The Cloud (Devotion from South America) (December 22 - December 30)
Repeat the following Novena prayers every day for 9 consecutive days.
O Miraculous Virgin of the Cloud!
Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
we greet you with all the affection of our hearts.
We desire that on this day we should do nothing to displease you.
We want to honor you as the Angels in Heaven honor you,
praise you with all the just,
and serve you with the faith and devotion of your true children.
Mother of mercy, supply for our poverty and misery.
We are not worthy that the Mother of God come to our house.
Our Lord and our God,
we repent the sins and wrongdoings
of our past with our whole heart.
Pardon us, O Lord,
and makes us worthy of the mercies and blessings of Mary,
Your Holy Mother.
Blessed Virgin of the Cloud,
supply the remedies for our needs.
Keep us away from evil, impurity, coldness
in thy service, and the appeal of the world.
Give us success in our enterprises.
Bless us in our work.
Cure us in our sicknesses.
Free us from the enemies
and give us peace of heart.
Help us in our poverty
and console us in our suffering.
To you we consecrate our whole house
with all that we have,
our parents, our children, our spouses,
and all our goods belong to you today and always.
Receive us, o most sweet Virgin,
under thy protection and care,
so that having conquered the world,
the Devil and the flesh,
we can love and serve you in this life,
and afterward sing your praises
in the celestial homeland.
[Mention your intention(s) here...]
Say 3 Our Father...
Say 3 Hail Mary...
Say 3 Glory Be...
Our Lady of the Cloud,
Pray for us.
Our Lady of the Cloud,
Pray for us.
Our Lady of the Cloud,
Pray for us.
Our Lady of the Cloud,
Protect us forever.
Novena To Our Lady Of The Chain(9 days before the 2nd Sunday of September)
Novena To Our Lady Of The Epiphany(Start 9 days before the Epiphany)