Prayer For Blessing of an Adopted Child and Parents - All Powerful Prayers

Prayer For Blessing of an Adopted Child and Parents

Heavenly Father,
bless N. in Your love.

R. Lord, hear our prayer.

Bless N. and N.
as they accept their new child.



R. Lord, hear our prayer.

Show him/her Your goodness
through the love of his/her parents.

R. Lord, hear our prayer.

Bless their home,
and make their family happy in your service.

R. Lord, hear our prayer.

Blessed are You, Lord God,
Maker of the universe and Father of all:
You have made us Your children, Your family,
and have invited us to call You Father.
You have made us brothers and sisters in Jesus,
and temples of Your Holy Spirit.

Bless + these parents in their love
as they welcome N. into their family.
Fill their home with Your peace
and lead them always in You love.

Blessed are You, Lord our God,
for ever and ever.




Previous Prayer:
Prayer For Blessingof an Image of Mary
Next Prayer:
Prayer For Blessingof an Engaged Couple (by a Priest)






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