Novena To Our Lady Of Sorrows # 2 (September 7 - September 15) - All Powerful Prayers

Novena To Our Lady Of Sorrows # 2 (September 7 - September 15)

[The Novena consist of 9 days of prayers.]

Most holy and afflicted Virgin, Queen of Martyrs,
you stood beneath the cross,
witnessing the agony of your dying Son.
Look with a mother’s tenderness and pity on me,
who kneels before you.
I venerate your sorrows
and I place my requests with filial confidence
in the sanctuary of your wounded heart.



Present them, I beseech you,
on my behalf to Jesus Christ,
through the merits of his own most sacred passion and death,
together with your sufferings at the foot of the cross.
Through the united efficacy of both,
obtain the granting of my petition.

To whom shall I have recourse
in my wants and miseries if not to you, Mother of Mercy?
You have drank so deeply of the chalice of your son,
you can compassionate our sorrows.

Holy Mary, your soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow
at the sight of the passion of your Divine Son.
Intercede for me and obtain from Jesus

[Mention your need(s) here...]

if it be for His honor and glory
and for my good.




Previous Prayer:
Novena To Our Lady Of Sorrows # 1(September 7 - September 15)
Next Prayer:
Novena To Our Lady Of Tears(September 7 - September 15)






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