Novena To Blessed Jacques Ghazir Haddad # 1 (June 17 - June 26)
Repeat the following Novena prayers every day for 9 consecutive days.
O God, even a glass of water given in Your Name is destined to be rewarded,
we beseech Thee bestow upon your humble servant, Father Jacques,
the crown of sanctity.
Ever guided by your inspirations
and with the assistance of your Holy Cross,
great things were accomplished by him for the poor and mentally-ill,
as well as the welfare of aged priests and religious.
Heavenly Father Redeemer of the World,
Holy Spirit, in one God,
deign to grant the favor we request
(Make your request here...)
Through your servant, Father Jacques.
O Virgin Mary,
in the tender love shown you by Father Jacques,
so dedicated to you,
and the maternal love of thine throughout his long life,
grant this favor
(Make your request here...)
with his intercession
so that the Holy Trinity may hasten the day of his cannonization
for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary... and
Say 1 Glory Be...
Novena To Blessed George Matulaitis(January 18 - January 27)
Novena To Blessed Jacques Ghazir Haddad # 2(June 17 - June 26)