Prayer To Saint Therese Of The Child Jesus
I greet you,
Saint Therese
Of the Child Jesus,
Lily of purity,
Ornament and glory
Of Christianity!
I salute you, great saint,
Seraph of Divine Love.
I rejoice at the favors
Our Blessed Lord Jesus
Has liberally bestowed on you.
In humility and confidence
I entreat you to help me,
For I know that God
Has given you
Charity and pity
As well as power.
Oh then, behold my distress,
My anxiety, my fears.
Oh, tell him now my wants.
One sigh from you
Will crown my success,
Will fill me with joy.
Remember your promise
To do good on earth.
Obtain for me from God
The graces of our Divine Lord, especially
[State your intention(s) here...]
Marian Prayer Of Saint Therese de Lisieux(A.D. 1873-1897)
Prayer For The Feast Of Saint Therese Of The Child Jesus