The Prayer, "O Immaculata" (By Saint Maximillian Kolbe)
(Source: KW #1305, Volume II)
O Immaculata,
Queen of Heaven and earth,
I know I am unworthy to approach you,
to fall on my knees before you with my face to the ground,
but because I love you so much,
I dare beg you to be good enough to deign to tell me who you are.
For I wish to know you more and more, endlessly more,
and love you more and more ardently, with boundless zeal.
Also, I wish to reveal to other souls who you are,
that an ever increasing number of souls may know you ever more perfectly
and love you ever more ardently,
so that you become the Queen of all the hearts that beat
and will beat on earth at any time, and that as soon as possible, as soon as possible.
Some still do not know your name at all.
Others, plunged in the mud of immorality,
dare not look up to you;
still others believe they have no need of you
in order to achieve the purpose of their lives.
Yet there are also some whom Satan, who refused to recognize you as his Queen
and was thus turned from an angel into a devil,
prevents from bending their knees before you.
Many are those who love you, who are fond of you,
but how few are those who for love of you are willing to do anything,
to labor, to suffer, and even to sacrifice their lives.
When will you, O Lady, reign supreme in all hearts and in each one individually?
When will all the inhabitants of the earth acknowledge you as Mother,
the heavenly Father as Father,
and in doing so finally feel like brothers?
Prayer to the Holy Trinity # 2(By Saint Maximillian Kolbe)
Act Of Unlimited Consecration To The Immaculate(By Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe, O.F.M. Conv.)