Prayer For Perseverance # 3 (By Saint Alphonsus Liguori)
Queen of Heaven, most Holy Mary,
I was once a slave of sin,
but now I consecrate myself to thee as thy client forever.
I give myself to thine honor and service for the rest of my life.
Do not reject me as I deserve,
but accept me as thy servant.
I have placed all my hope in thee as my Mother.
I bless and thank Almighty God,
because in His mercy He has given me this confidence in thee.
It is true that in the past I have shamefully fallen into sin;
but I trust that,
through thy prayers and the merits of Jesus Christ,
I have been forgiven.
But yet, my Mother, this is not enough.
One fear I have which troubles me:
that I may fall into sin again and lose the grace of God.
The dangers are constant;
my enemies never sleep;
and new temptations will assail me.
O my Lady, protect me.
Help me in the assaults of Hell,
so I may never again offend thy Divine Son Jesus.
Let not the same thing happen again,
that I lose my soul, Heaven, and God.
This is the grace I beg of thee, O Mary;
this is what I long for;
obtain this grace for me through thy prayers.
Thus, I hope.
Thus, may it be.
Prayer To Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament # 6(By Saint Alphonsus Mary de Liguori)
Prayer To Saint Alphonsus Liguori For Arthritis