Prayer In Winter - All Powerful Prayers

Prayer In Winter

Dear Lord, the summer is over and gone,
and the harvest is once more past.
All the wealth and warmth of the summer sun
is marvelously packaged now,
in seed and fruit and vegetable,
and stored away in bins and cribs and basements.

Thank You, dear, generous God,
for all Your goodness
and for all Your gifts.
All summer long You are working for us,
storing heat and health and
nourishment in the fields and woods.
Now, when the air is cold,
and there is no fruitfulness in the earth,
we can live on what the summer
and the harvest have stored up for us.

Thank You for Your unnumbered kindnesses to us, dear God.
Help us to make good use of the riches of the earth.
Help us to be generous,
even as You are,
and always avoid selfishness and greed.



Help us, too,
to store up spiritual wealth in the summer of this life,
while we can yet work.
Otherwise life's autumn will come,
death will call us,
a spiritual winter will set in
and we shall be found poor
and unsheltered not for one season only,
but for the winters of eternity.

Lord, we trust in You, that,
cooperating with Your many graces,
we may make good use now of our rich opportunities.
And may we then reap a rich spiritual harvest
which we will enjoy with You and Your saints
in the eternal spring and summer of heaven.




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Prayer For When You Want To Walk With God
Next Prayer:
Prayer For Wisdom # 1






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