Prayer Before Holy Communion - All Powerful Prayers

Prayer Before Holy Communion

Come, O blessed Saviour,
and nourish my soul with heavenly Food,
the Food which contains every sweetness and every delight.
Come, Bread of Angels,
and satisfy the hunger of my soul.
Come, glowing Furnace of Charity
and enkindle in my heart the flame of divine love.
Come, Light of the World,
and enlighten the darkness of my mind.



Come, King of Kings,
and make me obedient to your holy will.
Come, loving Saviour,
and make me meek and humble.
Come, Friend of the Sick,
and heal the infirmities of my body
and the weakness of my soul.
Come, Good Shepherd, my God and my All,
and take me to yourself.
O most holy Mother, Mary Immaculate,
prepare my heart to receive my Saviour.



Previous Prayer:
The Little Office Of The Immaculate Conception
Next Prayer:
Come, Thou Redeemer Of The Earth(By Saint Ambrose of Milan)






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