A Prayer For America - All Powerful Prayers

A Prayer For America

Father, once again we are reminded
that any security we have as individuals
and as a nation
comes only from the abiding hope and trust we have in You.

Once again, we are cut to the heart
at the loss of life and damage to peace
that we have suffered as a nation.

So, Father, today we come to You
and we seek Your peace for the families and victims of the horrible tragedy.
For those still lost in the rubble of destruction,
we ask for the safety of Your hand.
For those consumed by worry and fear
as they try to locate missing loved ones,
we ask for the comforting presence of Your Spirit.



We seek Your peace for the emergency workers,
that You would guard their lives
as they seek to guard the lives of others.
Give them the wisdom they need to perform their duties
above and beyond the levels of their training.

And Father, we seek Your peace for our nation and our world.
In the midst of our questions and uncertainty,
we recognize that the unknown details of this day
4 are already in Your grasp.
We know You sent Your Son as the Prince of Peace
and even this day falls under His command.
Help us to find the strength and comfort we need as a nation
to continue to humble ourselves,
pray and seek Your face for a new day in America
and a new hope for our world.

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times
and in every way. The Lord be with all of you." [2 Thess. 3:16]

(Provided by the National Prayer Committee.)



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Alter Server Prayer (After Mass)
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An Evening Visit






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