Franciscan Family Chaplet How to Pray?
How to pray the Franciscan Family Chaplet ?
Make the sign of the cross and recite “The Apostle’s Creed” on the San Damiano Cross.
Then recite the “Hail Mary” 3 times.
First Decade:
Begin by saying: “St. Francis of Assisi, through your intercession, I pray that the First Order increases in vocations and that its members continue to grow in holiness.”
Then recite the “Our Father.”
Now recite 10 times the following: “My God and my all!”
Second Decade:
Begin by saying: “St. Francis of Assisi, through your intercession, I pray that the Second Order increases in vocations and that its members continue to grow in holiness.”
Then recite the “Our Father.”
Now recite 10 times the following: “My God and my all!”
Third Decade:
Begin by saying: “St. Francis of Assisi, through your intercession, I pray that the Third Order, both Regular and Secular, increases in vocations and that its members continue to grow in holiness.”
Then recite the “Our Father.”
Now recite 10 times the following: “My God and my all!”
End by reciting 1 time:
"We adore You, O Lord Jesus Christ, because by Your holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.”
Say the “Glory Be” 3 times for the intentions of the Pope and his continued holiness.
Make the sign of the cross.
(Author: Nicholas H. Kovacs, OFS)
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