A Powerful Prayer for Compassion #2 - Prayer for Kindness to Reach Others - All Powerful Prayers

A Powerful Prayer for Compassion #2 - Prayer for Kindness to Reach Others

The Bible tells us that being compassionate is important. Yet we all know that there are times when compassion isn't at the forefront of our priorities. However, we should never walk away from our compassion. It's part of what allows us to connect to others.

Here is a prayer that asks God to make us more compassionate in our daily lives. Pray this prayer for more compassion, for a softer heart, and for greater kindness in reaching out to those less fortunate, suffering, or in need.






God of the Helpless,

I know that You want Your children to show compassion for those less fortunate.
I know this, but I have failed to help others as You would like me to.
I know there are so many in need of kindness, Lord.

Please open my heart and fill it with Your compassion for Your creation.
Please guide me on how I should reach out and love the less fortunate for Your glory. Amen.





Previous Prayer:
A Prayer for Child’s Lack of Compassion
Next Prayer:
A Powerful Prayer for Compassion #3 -Prayer for God’s Compassionate Heart






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