Prayer For Blessing of Readers - All Powerful Prayers

Prayer For Blessing of Readers



Blessed are you, Lord God,
Creator of the universe and Father of all:
You have called us to serve You and praise You
in the family of Your Church.

Look with mercy on these men and women
who are prepared to proclaim Your word
and to lead your people closer to Your teaching.
Bless + them, and purify their hearts this day
so that they may always live what they proclaim.
Through their words and example,
deepen the faith and love of Your Church,
and bring us to share in Your unending joy in Heaven.

We praise You and thank You, Father,
in the Name of Jesus Your Son
and in the love of Your Holy Spirit,
God of glory for ever and ever.




Previous Prayer:
Prayer For Blessingof The Parish Pastoral Workers
Next Prayer:
Prayer For Blessingof Ushers






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