Prayer of the Aging - All Powerful Prayers

Prayer of the Aging

If you are an older person and would like to ask Christ to keep you "young" for the greater glory of God, then pray this prayer:





May Christ keep me ever young to the greater glory of God. For old age comes from Him, old age leads to Him, and old age will touch me only insofar as He wills.

To be "young" means to be hopeful, energetic, smiling --- and clearsighted.

May I accept death in whatever guise it may come to me in Christ, that is, within the process of the development of life.

A smile --- inward and outward --- means facing with mildness and gentleness whatever befalls me.

Jesus, grant me to serve You, to proclaim You, to glorify You, and to manifest You, to the very end through all the time that remains to me of life, and above all through my death.

Lord Jesus, I commit to your care my last years, and my death; do not let them impair or spoil the work I have so dreamed of achieving for You. Amen.




Previous Prayer:
A Prayer from Bernard of Clairvaux to Jesus
Next Prayer:
Prayer on Moving to Senior Housing






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