Novena To Saint Helena (Patroness of marriages in difficulty and separated persons) - All Powerful Prayers

Novena To Saint Helena (Patroness of marriages in difficulty and separated persons)

Repeat the following Novena prayers every day for 9 consecutive days.

Holy and blessed Saint Helena,
with the anguish and devotion with which you sought the Cross of Christ,
I plead that you give me God's grace
to suffer in patience the labors of this life,
so that through them
and through your intercession and protection,
I will be able to seek and carry the Cross,
which God has placed upon me,
so that I can serve Him in this life
and enjoy His Glory ever after.




Most beloved Redeemer of my soul,
Jesus of my heart who from Heaven descended to earth,
to look for and find the Most Holy Cross on which you suffered so,
so many dolors, so that for them we would enjoy eternal glory;
I plead to You for the most highest mysteries of Your Most Holy Cross
and for the most precious Blood that for me You spilled on her,
that you grant me all the goods that that tree of life produced,
for the good, full advantage and remedy of our souls;
and, through this means that I may deserve, as I plead,
for all the mysteries of the Holy Cross,
so as to live without offending You
and to die in Your Grace,
so as to go to enjoy in Heaven the fruits of Your Most Holy Cross.

O my God, my Savior and Glorifier!
You were such a liberal benefactor in that holy wood,
where you spilled all Your Precious Blood for my remedy.
Pour over my soul, at the hour of my death,
but a drop so that I die in Your grace and then,
assisted by our protector and advocate Saint Helena,
with her intercession,
You reach for me what I now ask You for in this prayer,
that it be expedient for Your major honor,
glory and the benefit of our souls.
With Your patronage we await to seek with fervor and find,
at the hour of our death,
the precious fruits that Your Cross extends to us,
so as to die in Your grace
and to enjoy you forever in eternal bliss.


Saint Helena, who upon opening your mind and heart
to the light of the Gospel
and upon finding the wood of the Cross
was converted into the model of all the Christian virtues,
help us to break the attachments of sin,
and to return to the arms of God our Father.

You found the treasure that the Gospel tells us about,
since you found the Cross of Christ.
May we also find that treasure:
Christ living within us.

May He fill us with peace, justice and love,
in the midst of our tribulations;
and may we one day find all of us
in the Kingdom of the Heavens.


Our Father...

Hail Mary...

Glory Be...

Glorious Saint Helena,
we admire your excellent, sublime life.

God wanted that from you be born that great man
that would take the Roman Empire to the faith in Christ
and that one day you would find
the magnificent wood of the Cross on which Jesus died.

Obtain for us from Jesus
strength for our faith
and a great love for the Cross.

May no contradiction or challenge distance us from Jesus.

We ask you all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.




Previous Prayer:
Novena To Saint Hedwig(Protector of the poor and those in debt)
Next Prayer:
Novena To Saint Henry II






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