Novena To Jesus The Divine Master, The Way, Truth And Life (By Blessed James Alberione) - All Powerful Prayers

Novena To Jesus The Divine Master, The Way, Truth And Life (By Blessed James Alberione)


Jesus, Divine Master,
we know that you are Truth
and that you teach the Way of God
according to the Truth,
grant that we may learn your knowledge and wisdom
and that walking in the way of the Gospels,
we reach Eternal Life.
You who lives and reigns for ever and ever.



O Jesus Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life,
Have mercy on us.

Say the Daily prayer.

Gospel Reading: Jesus said to him,
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life;
no one comes to the Father but through Me...
If you had known Me, you would have known My Father...
Truly, truly, I say to you,
he who believes in Me,
the works that I do,
he will do also;
and greater works than these he will do;
because I go to the Father. (John 14:6-7, 12)

Jesus, Divine Master,
we adore you as the Word Incarnate,
sent by the Father to teach mankind the truth that gives life.
You are the uncreated truth, the only teacher.
"Only you have the words of eternal life."

We give you thanks for granting us the light of reason and faith
and for having called to us the light of glory.
We believe and are open with our whole being to live your Word,
of which you teach us by means of your Church.

Show us, Lord and Teacher,
the treasures of your wisdom.
Grant that we get to know the Father
and become authentic disciples of yours.
Increase our faith,
so that after following faithfully,
we may enjoy the vision of your Glory.

Jesus, Divine Teacher,
sanctify my mind
and increase my faith.


O Jesus Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life,
Have mercy on us.

Say the Daily prayer.

Gospel Reading: Jesus answered and said to him,
“If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word;
and My Father will love him,
and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.
“He who does not love Me does not keep My words;
and the word which you hear is not Mine,
but the Father’s who sent Me.

These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you.
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in My name,
He will teach you all things,
and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

Peace I leave with you;
My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Do not let your heart be troubled,
nor let it be fearful. (John 14:23-27)

Jesus, Divine Master,
we adore you as the beloved Son of the Father,
object of his satisfaction,
the only way to the Father.

We give you thanks because you present to us
the way that we should follow
and invite us to walk following you
to the plentitude of love.
With simplicity, we wish to follow your foot steps
to learn from you to see, judge and act.
Draw us to yourself,
in the manner that renouncing our own will,
we seek the will of the Father in all things.
Increase our hope.
Help us reproduce your image in our life
so that we can have you always in heaven

Jesus, way of holiness,
grant that I follow in your footsteps.




O Jesus Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life,
Have mercy on us.

Say the Daily prayer.

Gospel Reading: I AM the true vine;
and my Father is the husbandman.
Every branch in me, that beareth not fruit, he will take away:
and every one that beareth fruit, he will purge it,
that it may bring forth more fruit.
Now you are clean by reason of the word,
which I have spoken to you.
Abide in me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
unless it abide in the vine,
so neither can you, unless you abide in me.
I am the vine; you the branches:
he that abideth in me, and I in him,
the same beareth much fruit:
for without me you can do nothing. (John 15:1-5)

Jesus, Divine Master,
we adore you as the only Begotten Son of God,
come into the world to give mankind the fullness of Life.

We give you thanks because dying on the cross,
you merited for us eternal life,
which you give us in Baptism.
Nourish us through the Eucharist
and the other sacraments.

Live within us, Jesus, by your Spirit,
so that we love you with all our being
and love our neighbor as ourselves, in your love.
Grant that we grow in that love so that one day,
resurrected, we can participate with you
in the joy of your Kingdom.

Jesus Life, live in me so that I live in thee
and do not permit me to be separated from thee.


O Jesus Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life,
Have mercy on us.

Say the Daily prayer.

Gospel Reading: If you abide in me,
and my words abide in you,
you shall ask whatever you will,
and it shall be done unto you.
In this is my Father glorified;
that you bring forth very much fruit,
and become my disciples.
As the Father hath loved me,
I also have loved you.
Abide in my love.
If you keep my commandments,
you shall abide in my love;
as I also have kept my Father's commandments,
and do abide in his love.
These things I have spoken to you,
that my joy may be in you,
and your joy may be filled.
This is my commandment,
that you love one another,
as I have loved you.
Greater love than this no man hath,
that a man lay down his life for his friends.(John 15:7-13)

Jesus, Divine Master,
we adore you living in the Church,
universal sacrament of salvation.

Confirm ever more the entire Church in holiness.
Assist the Pope and the Bishops;
sanctify the priests, the consecrated,
and the entire people of God.

Lord Jesus, we make our own your desire:
"That there be one flock under one shepherd."
In this way, we could be united in the one family of God.

Jesus, Divine Teacher,
who teaches in the Church,
draw us all to your school.


O Jesus Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life,
Have mercy on us.

Say the Daily prayer.

Gospel Reading: “You are My friends
if you do what I command you.
“No longer do I call you slaves,
for the slave does not know what his master is doing;
but I have called you friends,
for all things that I have heard from My Father
I have made known to you.
“You did not choose Me but I chose you,
and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit,
and that your fruit would remain,
so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name
He may give to you. (John 15:14-16)

Jesus, Divine Master,
we adore you with the angels
who announced the fruit of your incarnation:
"Glory to God and peace to mankind."

We give you thanks because you have called us
to participate in your mission.
Spark in us the same love for your Father and mankind.
And fill us totally with yourself.

Live within us so that we bring you to others
by means of the apostolate of prayer,
by witness, by suffering, and social communications.

Lord, send good laborers to your vineyard.
Enlighten those who spread the Gospel
with the spoken and written word,
and by means of mass communication.
Instill in them the Holy Spirit.
Make people open to receive its message.

Come, Teacher and Lord!
Teach and reign over this entire world
by means of Mary, our Mother, Teacher, and Queen.


O Jesus Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life,
Have mercy on us.

Say the Daily prayer.

Gospel Reading: And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying,
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;
and lo, I am with you always,
even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Jesus, Divine Master,
we recognize you as the only Teacher of humanity
and we adore you.

We give you Thanks for the great gift of the Gospels.
You have said, "I have come to bring good news to the poor."
Your words are words of eternal life,
revealing in the Gospels the divine mysteries,
teaching the sure path to God
and offering the means of salvation.

Grant us the grace to always keep your Word like the Virign Mary,
of understanding the Gospels
according to the spirit of the Church
and proclaiming it with the same love
with which you preached it.
Make everyone know it.

That the economic and political systems,
the wide field of culture,
of civilization and development,
be according to the Gospels.

That the Word quickly enkindle in all the fire
that you brought to earth to illuminate and warm all.

Jesus, Divine Master,
free me from error,
useless thoughts,
and eternal darkness.


O Jesus Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life,
Have mercy on us.

Say the Daily prayer.

Gospel Reading: “For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
but have eternal life.
“For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world,
but that the world might be saved through Him.
“He who believes in Him is not judged;
he who does not believe has been judged already,
because he has not believed
in the name of the only begotten Son ofGod." (John 3:16-18)

Jesus, Divine Master,
we adore you as Emanuel,
God with us.

We give you thanks for the great gift of the Eucharist.
Only your love has moved you
to be our host in the tabernacle,
to reenact in the holy Mass your Passion and death,
transforming yourself into the nourishment
of our lives though Communion.

Grant that I know you, my hidden God,
and that I always drink the wholesome waters
from the fountain of your heart.
Grant me the grace to be able to visit you daily in this Sacrament,
that I participate in the holy Mass
and understand it,
and that I approach communion with devotion and faith.

Jesus, the Way, grant that I become
an authentic witness before mankind.


O Jesus Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life,
Have mercy on us.

Say the Daily prayer.

Gospel Reading: “But standing by the cross of Jesus were His mother,
and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary Magdalene.
When Jesus then saw His mother,
and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby,
He said to His mother, “Woman, behold, your son!”
Then He said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!”
From that hour the disciple took her into his own household. (John 19:25-27)

Jesus, Divine Master,
Son of Mary,
we adore you.

We thank you for giving us Mary as mother,
Teacher and Queen.

From the cross you entrusted us to her care,
giving her a great heart, wisdom and power.

Grant all mankind to know her,
love her and call upon her
and that she take all to you,
Savior of humanity.

I give myself to Mary,
as you gave yourself to her.
I wish to stay always with her, now,
in the hour of my death,
and for all eternity.

Mary, grant that all mankind
follow the Divine Teacher, Way, Truth and Life.


O Jesus Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life,
Have mercy on us.

Say the Daily prayer.

Gospel Reading: “But I say to you who hear,
love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
bless those who curse you,
pray for those who mistreat you.
“Whoever hits you on the cheek,
offer him the other also;
and whoever takes away your coat,
do not withhold your shirt from him either.
“Give to everyone who asks of you,
and whoever takes away what is yours,
do not demand it back.
“Treat others the same way you want them to treat you." (Luke 6:27-31)

Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you
as the Author and Creator of the whole universe.
All of it is a participation of your Wisdom, Power, and Goodness.

We give you thanks because you have given everything
to elevate our present life,
as a preparacion for eternal life.

Blessed are you, Lord,
fount of all knowledge that has illuminated the minds of people
to discover the new audiovisual technologies of film,
radio, television and media.
These noble technologies have as its end the diffusion of culture,
the good and Christian civilization.
However, human freedom can turn these goods
into vehicles of error and vice.

Jesus, Divine Master,
send your Spirit to governmental leaders,
producers, artists, technicians,
and propagandists of media technologies
so that with their labor
they give you glory and serve humanity.

Instill in the listeners and viewers
the gift of knowledge and fortitude
so that in using the social communication media
they will know to distinguish between good and evil,
truth and error.

That these means always spread the truth,
the good, justice and peace.

Jesus, Divine Master,
the Way, Truth and Life,
that all creatures praise you.



O Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
we are grateful, along with the entire Church,
to Christ, the Divine Master, Way, Truth, and Life,
for the treasures of holiness, light, and grace
that you have given to your faithful servant,
the priest Santiago Alberione,
who, in the example of Saint Paul,
has preached the Gospels in the whole world
with the instruments of social communication.

Grant the grace to know and imitate his virtues
and glorify him here on earth
with the end of protecting all those who work in the media
in preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ.

Obtain too, by his intercession,
the grace that I now ask...

Mary, Queen of the Apostles,
consolidate my supplications with your maternal intercession.

Glory Be...

[translation by S. Espinosa-Schrock]



Previous Prayer:
Novena To Blessed James Alberione (November 17 - November 26)
Next Prayer:
Novena To Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko (Polish Priest, Martyred)(October 10 - October 19)






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