Novena To Blessed Antonio Rosmini for Missing Children (June 30 - July 9) - All Powerful Prayers

Novena To Blessed Antonio Rosmini for Missing Children (June 30 - July 9)

Repeat the following Novena prayers every day for 9 consecutive days.

Lord, we pray that you look with favour
on the cause of your servant, Blessed Antonio Rosmini.
In your loving kindness,
please remember his total faith and abandonment to Divine Providence,
his love of Holy Mother Church
and his boundless works of charity
as he laboured tirelessly here on earth in union with your son, Jesus.
Grant us the grace, which we ask through his intercession,
to have his sanctity revealed to us.



Most Holy Mother of Sorrows,
to whom Blessed Rosmini consecrated his Institute of Charity,
we pray you to intercede with your Son, our Lord,
to hear our humble prayers.


We pray that Blessed Rosmini will act on our behalf,
praying with us, as we earnestly ask that Our Lord,
to whom each child is precious,
will return... (Name)...
and all missing children to their families.
We also pray that the Church will seek every means possible
to highlight the plight of missing
and exploited children throughout the world.

Say 1 Our Father...

Say 1 Hail Mary...

Say 1 Glory Be...

Blessed Antonio Rosmini,
Pray for Us.



Previous Prayer:
Novena To Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey(July 6 - July 15)
Next Prayer:
Novena To Blessed Basile Moreau(January 11 - January 20)






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