Novena In Honour Of The Immaculate Conception # 2 (November 29 - December 8)
O Mary Immaculate!
Guard with loving care this country dedicated to thee.
Let thy purity keep it pure.
Watch over its institutions.
As thou art the Refuge of all sinners,
this country is the refuge of the exiled and the oppressed.
Guide it ever in the ways of peace.
Let not its prosperity be its ruin.
Alas! Many of its children,
who know not what they do,
are walking in uncertain paths,
which are dark, and lead them away from the truth.
Mother of all, pray for us and plead for them,
that we, thy children,
may love and adore thy adorable Son with more fervent faith,
and that those who are wandering in error’s path may,
through thy intercession,
return to the one Fold of the True Shepard,
to thy Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Novena In Honour Of The Immaculate Conception # 1(November 29 - December 8)
Novena In Honour Of The Immaculate Conception # 3(November 29 - December 8)