Father's Day Novena To Saint Joseph (9 Days before Father's Day) - All Powerful Prayers

Father's Day Novena To Saint Joseph (9 Days before Father's Day)

Repeat the following Novena prayer every day for 9 consecutive days.

Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus
and chaste spouse of Mary,
you passed your life in perfect fulfillment of duty.
You supported the Holy Family of Nazareth
with the work of your hands.
Kindly protect our Fathers who trustingly turn to you.
You know their aspirations, their hardships, their hopes;
and our Fathers turn to you
because they know you will understand and protect them



You too have known trial, labor, and weariness.
But, even amid the worries of material life,
your soul was filled with deep peace
and sang out in pure joy
through intimacy with the Son of God entrusted to you
and Mary, His tender Mother.

Teach our Fathers that they do not labor alone.
Teach them how to find Jesus near them,
to greet Him with grace,
and to guard Him faithfully, as you have done.
Grant that in every family,
in every factory and place of work
wherever a Christian labors
all may grow in charity, patience, justice
and in seeking to do what is right,
so that a flood of gifts may descend from Heaven.


Saint Joseph,
Pray for us.



Previous Prayer:
Father's Day Novena(9 Days before Father's Day)
Next Prayer:
The Friendship Novena(Anytime)






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