Prayer To The Shoulder Wound of Our Lord Jesus # 1
O lovable Jesus,
gentle Lamb of God,
in spite of the fact that
I am a sinful, wretched creature,
I adore You
and worship the Wound
caused by the heavy weight of Your Cross,
that burst open Your skin,
uncovered the bones of Your Sacred Shoulder
and on which Your sorrowing Mother Mary
so much sympathized with.
I as well, dear Jesus,
also sympathize with You,
and from the bottom of my heart,
I glorify You,
and thank You
for this painful wound
to Your shoulder
on which You carried your Cross
for my salvation.
Ah! for all the sufferings
You deeply experienced
that increased the enormous weight
of Your Cross, I humbly request,
have mercy on me,
a poor sinful creature,
forgive my sins
and conduct me to heaven
by the way of the Cross.
Say the "Hail Mary" 3 times.
Holy Mother,
imprint in my heart the wounds
of the Crucified Jesus Christ.
O Sweet Jesus,
please do not be my Judge,
be my Saviour.
(Saint Bernard asked the Divine Redeemer what was the most painful wound that he suffered and the most unknown by mankind. Jesus responded:
"I had a very deep wound on my shoulder on which I carried my heavy cross. This wound was the most painful of all. Most men are unacquainted with it. Honour this wound and I will do everything you ask for.")
Holy Saturday Prayer To Be Joined With Christ In Death
Prayer Of Saint Francis De Sales # 1